The FontStyle class provides values for the TextRenderer class.


@:value(cast 0)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyBOLD:FontStyle = 0

Defines the bold style of a font for the fontStyle parameter in the setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() method. Use the syntax FontStyle.BOLD.

@:value(cast 1)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyBOLD_ITALIC:FontStyle = 1

Defines the italic style of a font for the fontStyle parameter in the setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() method. Use the syntax FontStyle.ITALIC.

@:value(cast 2)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyITALIC:FontStyle = 2

Defines the italic style of a font for the fontStyle parameter in the setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() method. Use the syntax FontStyle.ITALIC.

@:value(cast 3)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyREGULAR:FontStyle = 3

Defines the plain style of a font for the fontStyle parameter in the setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() method. Use the syntax FontStyle.REGULAR.