Static methods


@:has_untypedstaticinlinefastGet(b:BytesData, pos:Int):Int

Read the most efficiently possible the n-th byte of the data. Behavior when reading outside of the available data is unspecified.



Convert hexadecimal string to Bytes. Support only straight hex string ( Example: "0FDA14058916052309" )

@:has_untypedstaticofString(s:String, ?encoding:Encoding):Bytes

Returns bytes representation of the given String, using specific encoding (UTF-8 by default)


read onlylength:Int


@:has_untypedblit(pos:Int, src:Bytes, srcpos:Int, len:Int):Void


fill(pos:Int, len:Int, value:Int):Void



Returns the IEEE double precision value at given position (in low endian encoding). Result is unspecified if reading outside of the bounds


Returns the IEEE single precision value at given position (in low endian encoding). Result is unspecified if reading outside of the bounds


Returns the 32 bit integer at given position (in low endian encoding).


Returns the 64 bit integer at given position (in low endian encoding).

@:has_untypedgetString(pos:Int, len:Int, ?encoding:Encoding):String


Returns the 16 bit unsigned integer at given position (in low endian encoding).

@:has_untypedinlineset(pos:Int, v:Int):Void

@:has_untypedsetDouble(pos:Int, v:Float):Void

Store the IEEE double precision value at given position in low endian encoding. Result is unspecified if writing outside of the bounds.

@:has_untypedsetFloat(pos:Int, v:Float):Void

Store the IEEE single precision value at given position in low endian encoding. Result is unspecified if writing outside of the bounds.

inlinesetInt32(pos:Int, v:Int):Void

Store the 32 bit integer at given position (in low endian encoding).

inlinesetInt64(pos:Int, v:Int64):Void

Store the 64 bit integer at given position (in low endian encoding).

inlinesetUInt16(pos:Int, v:Int):Void

Store the 16 bit unsigned integer at given position (in low endian encoding).

@:has_untypedsub(pos:Int, len:Int):Bytes


Returns string representation of the bytes as UTF8