Defines an ordered set of triangles that can be rendered using either (u,v) fill coordinates or a normal fill. Each triangle in the path is represented by three sets of (x, y) coordinates, each of which is one point of the triangle. The triangle vertices do not contain z coordinates and do not necessarily represent 3D faces. However a triangle path can be used to support the rendering of 3D geometry in a 2D space.
new(?vertices:Vector<Float>, ?indices:Vector<Int>, ?uvtData:Vector<Float>, culling:TriangleCulling = NONE)
Creates a new GraphicsTrianglePath object.
vertices | A Vector of Numbers where each pair of numbers is treated as a point (an x, y pair). Required. |
indices | A Vector of integers or indexes, where every three indexes define a triangle. |
uvtData | A Vector of normalized coordinates used to apply texture mapping. |
culling | Specifies whether to render triangles that face in a given direction. Used to prevent the rendering of triangles that cannot be seen in the current view. Can be set to any value defined by the TriangleCulling class. |
Specifies whether to render triangles that face in a given direction. Used to prevent the rendering of triangles that cannot be seen in the current view. Can be set to any value defined by the TriangleCulling class.
A Vector of integers or indexes, where every three indexes define a
triangle. If the indexes parameter is null then every three vertices
(six x,y pairs in the vertices Vector) defines a triangle. Otherwise
each index refers to a vertex, which is a pair of numbers in the
vertices Vector. For example indexes[1]
refers to (vertices[2]
A Vector of normalized coordinates used to apply texture mapping. Each coordinate refers to a point on the bitmap used for the fill. There must be one UV or one UVT coordinate per vertex. In UV coordinates, (0,0) is the upper left of the bitmap, and (1,1) is the lower right of the bitmap.
If the length of this vector is twice the length of the vertices
vector then normalized coordinates are used without perspective
If the length of this vector is three times the length of the
vector then the third coordinate is interpreted as 't', the
distance from the eye to the texture in eye space. This helps the
rendering engine correctly apply perspective when mapping textures in