class FlxStringUtil
package flixel.util
A class primarily containing functions related to formatting different data types to strings.
Static methods
staticarrayToCSV(Data:Array<Int>, Width:Int, Invert:Bool = false):String
Converts a one-dimensional array of tile data to a comma-separated string.
Data | An array full of integer tile references. |
Width | The number of tiles in each row. |
Invert | Recommended only for 1-bit arrays - changes 0s to 1s and vice versa. |
A comma-separated string containing the level data in a FlxTilemap-friendly format.
staticbitmapToCSV(Bitmap:BitmapData, Invert:Bool = false, Scale:Int = 1, ?ColorMap:Array<FlxColor>):String
Converts a BitmapData object to a comma-separated string. Black pixels are flagged as 'solid' by default, non-black pixels are set as non-colliding. Black pixels must be PURE BLACK.
Bitmap | A Flash BitmapData object, preferably black and white. |
Invert | Load white pixels as solid instead. |
Scale | Default is 1. Scale of 2 means each pixel forms a 2x2 block of tiles, and so on. |
ColorMap | An array of color values (alpha values are ignored) in the order they're intended to be assigned as indices |
A comma-separated string containing the level data in a FlxTilemap-friendly format.
Takes a string and filters out everything but the digits.
Input | The input string |
The output string, digits-only
Generate a comma-separated string from an array. Especially useful for tracing or other debug output.
AnyArray | Any Array object. |
A comma-separated String containing the .toString() output of each element in the array.
staticformatBytes(Bytes:Float, Precision:Int = 2):String
Takes an amount of bytes and finds the fitting unit. Makes sure that the value is below 1024. Example: formatBytes(123456789); -> 117.74MB
staticformatMoney(Amount:Float, ShowDecimal:Bool = true, EnglishStyle:Bool = true):String
Automatically commas and decimals in the right places for displaying money amounts.
Does not include a dollar sign or anything, so doesn't really do much
if you call say FlxString.formatMoney(10, false)
However, very handy for displaying large sums or decimal money values.
Amount | How much moneys (in dollars, or the equivalent "main" currency - i.e. not cents). |
ShowDecimal | Whether to show the decimals/cents component. |
EnglishStyle | Major quantities (thousands, millions, etc) separated by commas, and decimal by a period. |
A nicely formatted String. Does not include a dollar sign or anything!
staticformatStringMap(AnyMap:Map<String, Dynamic>):String
Generate a comma-separated string representation of the keys of a StringMap.
AnyMap | A StringMap object. |
A String formatted like this: key1, key2, ..., keyX
staticinlineformatTicks(StartTicks:Int, EndTicks:Int):String
Takes two "ticks" timestamps and formats them into the number of seconds that passed as a String. Useful for logging, debugging, the watch window, or whatever else.
StartTicks | The first timestamp from the system. |
EndTicks | The second timestamp from the system. |
A String containing the formatted time elapsed information.
staticformatTime(Seconds:Float, ShowMS:Bool = false):String
Format seconds as minutes with a colon, an optionally with milliseconds too.
Seconds | The number of seconds (for example, time remaining, time spent, etc). |
ShowMS | Whether to show milliseconds after a "." as well. Default value is false. |
A nicely formatted String, like "1:03".
staticgetClassName(objectOrClass:Dynamic, simple:Bool = false):String
Get the string name of any class or class instance. Wraps Type.getClassName()
objectOrClass | The class or class instance in question. |
simple | Returns only the type name, without package(s). |
The name of the class as a string.
Helper function to create a string for toString() functions. Automatically rounds values according to FlxG.debugger.precision. Strings are formatted in the format: (x: 50 | y: 60 | visible: false)
LabelValuePairs | Array with the data for the string |
Returns the domain from the specified URL. The domain, in this case, refers specifically to the first and second levels only. For example, the domain for "" is "".
The domain from the URL; or the empty string ("") upon failure.
staticgetEnumName(enumValueOrEnum:OneOfTwo<EnumValue, Enum<Dynamic>>, simple:Bool = false):String
Get the string name of any enum or enum value. Wraps Type.getEnumName()
enumValueOrEnum | The enum value or enum in question. |
simple | Returns only the type name, without package(s). |
The name of the enum as a string.
Returns the host from the specified URL. The host is one of three parts that comprise the authority. (User and port are the other two parts.) For example, the host for "ftp://[email protected]:990/" is "ftp.domain.test".
The host from the URL; or the empty string ("") upon failure.
.statichtmlFormat(Text:String, Size:Int = 12, Color:String = "FFFFFF", Bold:Bool = false, Italic:Bool = false, Underlined:Bool = false):String
Format a text with html tags - useful for TextField.htmlText. Used by the log window of the debugger.
Text | The text to format |
Size | The text size, using the font-size-tag |
Color | The text color, using font-color-tag |
Bold | Whether the text should be bold (b-tag) |
Italic | Whether the text should be italic (i-tag) |
Underlined | Whether the text should be underlined (u-tag) |
The html-formatted text.
staticimageToCSV(ImageFile:Dynamic, Invert:Bool = false, Scale:Int = 1, ?ColorMap:Array<FlxColor>):String
Converts a resource image file to a comma-separated string. Black pixels are flagged as 'solid' by default, non-black pixels are set as non-colliding. Black pixels must be PURE BLACK.
ImageFile | An embedded graphic, preferably black and white. |
Invert | Load white pixels as solid instead. |
Scale | Default is 1. Scale of 2 means each pixel forms a 2x2 block of tiles, and so on. |
ColorMap | An array of color values (alpha values are ignored) in the order they're intended to be assigned as indices |
A comma-separated string containing the level data in a FlxTilemap-friendly format.
staticinlineinsert(s:String, pos:Int, insertion:String):String
Inserts insertion
into s
at index pos
Returns true if s
equals null
or is empty.
.staticinlineremove(s:String, sub:String):String
Removes occurrences of a substring by calling StringTools.replace(s, sub, "")
staticinlinesameClassName(Obj1:Dynamic, Obj2:Dynamic, Simple:Bool = true):Bool
Helper function that uses getClassName to compare two objects' class names.
Obj1 | The first object |
Obj2 | The second object |
Simple | Only uses the class name, not the package or packages. |
Whether they have the same class name or not
Split a comma-separated string into an array of floats
Data | string formatted like this: "1.0,2.1,5.6,1245587.9, -0.00354" |
An array of floats
Split a comma-separated string into an array of ints
Data | String formatted like this: "1, 2, 5, -10, 120, 27" |
An array of ints