This class helps contain and track the mouse pointer in your game.
Automatically accounts for parallax scrolling, etc.
Normally accessed via FlxG.mouse
read onlycursorContainer:Sprite
A display container for the mouse cursor. It is a child of FlxGame and sits at the right "height". Not used on flash with the native cursor API.
read onlyjustPressedTimeInTicks:Int
Time in ticks of last left mouse button press.
Available since
.read onlyjustPressedTimeInTicksMiddle:Int
Time in ticks of last middle mouse button press.
Available since
.read onlyjustPressedTimeInTicksRight:Int
Time in ticks of last right mouse button press.
Available since
.useSystemCursor:Bool = false
Tells flixel to use the default system mouse cursor instead of custom Flixel mouse cursors.