This class helps contain and track the mouse pointer in your game. Automatically accounts for parallax scrolling, etc. Normally accessed via FlxG.mouse.


read onlycursorContainer:Sprite

A display container for the mouse cursor. It is a child of FlxGame and sits at the right "height". Not used on flash with the native cursor API.

@:value(true)enabled:Bool = true

Whether or not mouse input is currently enabled.

Available since



read onlyjustMoved:Bool

Check to see if the mouse has just been moved.

Available since



read onlyjustPressed:Bool

Check to see if the left mouse button has just been pressed.

read onlyjustPressedMiddle:Bool

Check to see if the middle mouse button has just been pressed.

read onlyjustPressedRight:Bool

Check to see if the right mouse button has just been pressed.

read onlyjustPressedTimeInTicks:Int

Time in ticks of last left mouse button press.

Available since



read onlyjustPressedTimeInTicksMiddle:Int

Time in ticks of last middle mouse button press.

Available since



read onlyjustPressedTimeInTicksRight:Int

Time in ticks of last right mouse button press.

Available since



read onlyjustReleased:Bool

Check to see if the left mouse button has just been released.

read onlyjustReleasedMiddle:Bool

Check to see if the middle mouse button has just been released.

read onlyjustReleasedRight:Bool

Check to see if the right mouse button has just been released.

read onlypressed:Bool

Check to see if the left mouse button is currently pressed.

read onlypressedMiddle:Bool

Check to see if the middle mouse button is currently pressed.

read onlypressedRight:Bool

Check to see if the right mouse button is currently pressed.

read onlyreleased:Bool

Check to see if the left mouse button is currently not pressed.

read onlyreleasedMiddle:Bool

Check to see if the middle mouse button is currently not pressed.

read onlyreleasedRight:Bool

Check to see if the right mouse button is currently not pressed.

@:value(false)useSystemCursor:Bool = false

Tells flixel to use the default system mouse cursor instead of custom Flixel mouse cursors.

@:value(true)visible:Bool = true

Used to toggle the visiblity of the mouse cursor - works on both the flixel and the system cursor, depending on which one is active.

@:value(0)read onlywheel:Int = 0

Current "delta" value of mouse wheel. If the wheel was just scrolled up, it will have a positive value and vice versa. Otherwise the value will be 0.


@:value({ YOffset : 0, XOffset : 0, Scale : 1 })load(?Graphic:Dynamic, Scale:Float = 1, XOffset:Int = 0, YOffset:Int = 0):Void

Helper variables for flash native cursors


Resets the just pressed/just released flags and sets mouse to not pressed.


Unload the current cursor graphic. If the current cursor is visible, then the default system cursor is loaded up to replace the old one.

Inherited Variables

Defined by FlxPointer

@:value(0)read onlyscreenX:Int = 0

@:value(0)read onlyscreenY:Int = 0

@:value(0)read onlyx:Int = 0

@:value(0)read onlyy:Int = 0

Inherited Methods

Defined by FlxPointer


Returns a FlxPoint with this input's x and y.

@:access(flixel.FlxCamera)getPositionInCameraView(?Camera:FlxCamera, ?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint

Fetch the screen position of the pointer relative to given camera's viewport.



If unspecified, first/main global camera is used instead.


An existing point object to store the results (if you don't want a new one created).


The touch point's location relative to camera's viewport.

getScreenPosition(?Camera:FlxCamera, ?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint

Fetch the screen position of the pointer on any given camera. NOTE: screenX and screenY also store the screen position of the pointer on the main camera.



If unspecified, first/main global camera is used instead.


An existing point object to store the results (if you don't want a new one created).


The touch point's location in screen space.

getWorldPosition(?Camera:FlxCamera, ?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint

Fetch the world position of the pointer on any given camera. NOTE: x and y also store the world position of the pointer on the main camera.



If unspecified, first/main global camera is used instead.


An existing point object to store the results (if you don't want a new one created).


The touch point's location in world space.

@:access(, ?Camera:FlxCamera):Bool

Checks to see if some FlxObject overlaps this FlxObject or FlxGroup. If the group has a LOT of things in it, it might be faster to use FlxG.overlaps(). WARNING: Currently tilemaps do NOT support screen space overlap checks!



The object or group being tested.


Specify which game camera you want. If null getScreenPosition() will just grab the first global camera.


Whether or not the two objects overlap.

inlinesetGlobalScreenPositionUnsafe(newX:Float, newY:Float):Void

Directly set the underyling screen position variable. WARNING! You should never use this unless you are trying to manually dispatch low-level mouse / touch events to the stage.