class MayflashWiiRemoteID
WiiRemote hardware input ID's when using "Mode 3" of the MayFlash DolphinBar accessory
Static variables
staticread onlyLEFT_ANALOG_STICK:FlxGamepadAnalogStick = new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : 26, down : 27, left : 28, right : 29 })
staticread onlyREMOTE_DPAD:FlxGamepadAnalogStick = new FlxGamepadAnalogStick(0, 1, { up : REMOTE_DPAD_UP, down : REMOTE_DPAD_DOWN, left : REMOTE_DPAD_LEFT, right : REMOTE_DPAD_RIGHT, threshold : 0.5, mode : ONLY_DIGITAL })
staticinlineread onlyREMOTE_ONE:Int = 8
Things to add: - Accelerometer (in both remote and nunchuk) - Gyroscope (in Motion-Plus version only) - IR camera (position tracking) - Rumble - Speaker