Usage Keyword/Name In Code



Welcome! This is the programming language, Little - it is intended to be simple, portable, and quite customizable.

Main Section

At the left side (Or, on tall screens, at the top) of the screen, there are three tabs:

Each tab is collapsible using the Collapse button at it's top-left corner. The input tab also has the Format button, to format the code using the standard formatter.

Keyword Configuration

At the top right corner (or, on tall screens, at the bottom of the page), you have a table, containing every single configurable character-related option the language can provide.

You can leave the fields empty to use the default values, or change them to either an identifier of some sort, or a sign, depending on the case.

Each keyword also provides an example of how it can be used. I recommend using this if you want to learn about how to program in the language.